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How To Make A Doctoral Dissertation Cover Page: General Guidelines

There are some specific guidelines that should be followed when you are asked to write a doctoral dissertation. This is a huge paper that you will write as a scholar in your field and there are some very specific ways that your paper has to be formatted. This paper has the potential of being published so you need to make sure that you have it properly formatted. You may be asked to follow a different format and if that is the case, you should refer to the formatting guide for that style. This is the general guidelines for creating a cover page for your paper.

You can also obtain a copy to use as a guide. It is a great way to make sure that you fully understand the task at hand. You can format your paper with these guidelines and a sample and know exactly how it should look. When you have the guidelines and the sample, it makes the process so much easier. Don’t make the mistake of not having the guidelines to go along with the example because there are some specific things that you may not be able to see from the example. Here are the specific guidelines to help you format your paper correctly.

  1. One inch margins on all sides.
  2. Title of the article will be centered at the top of the page. It should be in all caps and bolded. It has to be less than 240 characters including any spaces.
  3. This should be followed by your name centered under the word “by”.
  4. The list of your degrees earned, institution, and date centered under the name.
  5. “Department of” with department name “in the Graduate School” centered and followed by the name of your school. Followed by the month and year of graduation.

Most schools will have sample papers that you can use as a guide. You need to make sure that you present the appropriate information because it will give all of the information that someone would need if they were reading it. Plus there is a big need for the papers to look the same. You don’t want to mess up the formatting on a paper that is this important.


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