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Writing A Powerful Introduction To A Doctoral Thesis

Writing an introduction of any paper in general in academic environment is a relatively thoughtful process. The introduction serves to introduce readers into the topic of the thesis, in this case, and to give background information because it could be field that not all of the readers are familiar with.

Beside the content, you should also pay attention to the length. It shouldn’t be too long, nor too short, but effective. It has to be straightforward, otherwise you risk of making a bad initial impression. Therefore, this is probably the most important part of the writing. Take your time and do your best. There are some suggestions on writing a powerful introduction, so read them and implement in your writing.

What should an introduction contain?

In order to make an introduction powerful, it should contain the following points in the listed order:

  • Description of the subject of the paper

  • The area being researched and what other researchers have found out

  • A relation of your research to a previous research in that area

  • The hypothesis and the objective of the research

Besides these points, a good introduction should also:

  • Give definition of any unknown concepts, terms, methods, etc.

  • Give personal opinions, in other words, the main points being later discussed

  • To be clear, concise and understandable regarding arguments

  • Direct the reader to the following section, the main body.

Apart from things that a good introduction should contain, there is a lsit of what a good introduction should not contain:

  • Too much background information that would only confuse the reader

  • Repetitive terms, methods, definitions, etc.

  • Begin or contain the words “this writing is about/ will give you an idea/ will answer your question”.

What will make an introduction powerful?

Examiners probably have read a lot about the subject you are writing for. You have to give them something they’ve never read about. What is unique in every introduction and in every paper in general is author’s opinion and perspective of the subject. Leave them surprised by reading something they didn’t expect.

In order to leave this impression, you have to be really interested in the subject of the thesis. If you are interested in what you write, readers will immediately notice that. Moreover, you will enjoy working on the thesis and your pleasure will reflect throughout the whole paper.

Remember that introduction only introduces the topic. Further information is found later throughout the paper. Best of luck writing the thesis!


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