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Dissertation Formatting Guidelines For Dummies: Basic Tutorial

Dissertation formatting can be a cumbersome task if you’re not completely sure of the requirements. While there is a lot of information available as to how a dissertation should be formatted, we have outlined some simple requirements that are easy to understand to assist you in your thesis formatting.

Ensure Your Title Page Has All the Required Information

The title page is one of the most important items contained within your dissertation, so it is important that the information is recorded correctly. Students should take a freelance view of the4 task in hand and ensure that if they are in any doubt about how a research title page should look, that they do the relevant research online. For example, a quick online search will provide students access to a number of different examples.

  • Title pages need to contain all items that are listed on the sample title page. These items should also be placed in the same order.
  • Ensure you include the title of the document, your name, the name of the degree and the year of graduation.
  • The names of the chair or committee should also be included along with the program authorized to offer the degree.
  • It is also worth noting that the items can be included on the first or second page of your essay.

Include a Copyright Page

  • When including the copyright page, ensure that the name and the year match the title pages.
  • The copyright page can be the first or second page.

Include a Sample Abstract

  • Sample abstracts must be placed after the first or second page of your thesis.
  • The abstract must match what is contained in the sample abstract.


When completing homework and research, it is worth getting into the habit of ensuring that all grammar is correct. As one would assume, the language preferred for submitting work is English. However, if you do need to provide work in another language to accommodate for a particular audience, then you will need to submit a petition to the dean. Different schools and universities may have different methods on how to present a petition the dean, so ensure that you are following the correct process. It is also worth finding out how you will receive your decision.

  • Please note that even if the petition is approved, the required sections must still be written in English.

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